Course curriculum
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Advancing Worker Justice and Improving Health... - Dr. M. Guy
We the People: Advancing Worker Justice and Improving Health Equity through Smokefree Air Campaigns
PowerPoint: Mignonne Guy, Ph.D, Department of African American Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University
Reclaim Sacred Tobacco - C. Isham, H. Clark, J. Macedo, C. Welker
Reclaim Sacred Tobacco - A National Coalition of Tribal Public Health Advocates
PowerPoint: Clinton Isham, Hershel Walker Clark, Jay Macedo, Colin Welker
Industry Interference & Bad Actors - S. Eubanks, V. Yerger, A. Tegen
Industry Interference & Bad Actors in Commercial Tobacco Policy Development
PowerPoint: Sharon Y. Eubanks, JD
PowerPoint: Dr. Valerie Yerger, AATCLC African American Tobacco Control Leadership Consortium
PowerPoint: Annie Tegen, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Research Roundup: Cannabis - Dr. S. Schick
Research Roundup: Science of Secondhand Marijuana/Cannabis Smoke
PowerPoint: Suzaynn Schick, Ph.D, University of California, San Francisco
Smokefree Multi-Unit Housing - L. Williams, et. al.
Making Smokefree Multi-Unit Housing the Community Norm - Supporting Policy Advocacy
PowerPoint: Gena Knutson, San Diego County Tobacco Control Resource Program
PowerPoint: Jackie Siewart, Association for Nonsmokers - Live Smoke Free Program;
PowerPoint: Liz Williams, ANR Foundation
PowerPoint: Valeria Delgado-Lopez, American Lung Association Alaska
PowerPoint: Mark Meaney, JD, MA, Public Health Law Center
Parx Casino: Reflections from Management
Parx Smokefree Business Policy - Reflections from Management
Evaluation of selected lectures from the Clearing the Air® Institute
Evaluation of selected CTA lectures